Friday, June 29, 2012

Where the magic is found...

Pia, our neighbour, showed me this brilliant image yesterday.

Being in Oslo is outside my comfort zone.Hence this blog.

I write because it allows me to process how I go about building a new life in a new city, with a language I do not understand and with a culture I am not familiar with (one which I understand but sometimes I don't). So my blog is not about judging or comparing Oslo (Let alone Norway). We have enough rating agencies!

Writing about the Oslo urban ecosystem is an act of discovery not only of the city but also is a way of uncovering a new version of my social persona. I do think there are many positives of going outside the comfort zone - which for the past years was London.

Ultimately, one could argue that going out of the comfort zone is about detachment.

We are not defined only by what we do but also by what we are willing to give up.