Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sailing 101

Our neighbors are cool indeed.

Before Pia and Jan left for their summer holiday, they sent a message asking who would want to use their sailing boat while they were gone.  Bjørn replied yes before he had finished reading!

So they took us for a short sailing trip to go over the basics.

We were lucky because the sun was generous making the water look its best: blue, fresh, inviting.

It was the first time I went sailing and I enjoyed it while also learned that it is more work than I thought. I also learned I should always bring a jacket even if it is sunny out there.

One amazing benefit of living in Oslo is the quick and easy access to the the water.  Water is my element.

And did I say that in order to meet Pia and Jen we used public transport --a boat ride, the same way you take a bus -  in order to get to the Island where they were waiting for us.  Muy escandinavo!

Pia and Jan

Getting ready to leave...

The "parking lot"