Thursday, July 19, 2012


Say what you want. I love Copenhagen.

It is a weird mix: It feels Scandinavian but also continental. If is sophisticated and yet it feels green (a heaven for bikers!). It feels old and yet futuristic.

Many Oslovians I have met love Copenhagen so I suppose there is no heresy in praising it now that I am an Oslo citizen! (I am aware of history and past Danish dominance of Norway but that is all forgotten and, from the outside, Oslo and Copenhagen do feel as "cousin" cities).

One of the best part is the windows. So much creativity! How brilliant is it to cover several mannequins in stamps! And what do you see about the impossibly cool shoes that they sell for real? (see the heals in the photo).

Another fun element of the city is the culture of cafes and restaurants that are located in the sidewalks in the summer. I close my eyes and see all these people sipping coffee or wine n the little streets (see photo).

The prices are lower than in Oslo so shopping was a bit friendlier too. And that makes me laugh: After moving to Norway, I have come to a point where I find Copenhagen or London "cheap"! Which tells you how much in life is relative!

Two extraordinary treats about Copenhagen are the Danish Museum of Art (SMK) and Museum of Modern Art called "Louisiana".

I cover them in a separate entry.