Friday, July 6, 2012

The Unsuspecting Life of a Scream (Part 1)

There seems to be Munch-mania in this part of the world.

First, came the auction in London in May...

From AP

...when an anonymous buyer paid $119 million for The Scream which the Norwegian painter Edvard Munch had done in 1895.  

This price even surpassed forecasts which had suggested a $80-million mark.

By Robert Ariail
$119.9 is the highest price ever paid at a auction (and one of the highest amounts paid when previous considers inflation). See this table prepared by The Economist.

Edvard Munch - unusual man, no doubt - made four versions The Scream. Three are in Norwegian museums. The version that was sold in London belonged to a lucky Norwegian whose family was friends with Munch.  The Wall Street Journal had a full-blown article comparing the versions.

Second, Munch is getting international attention due to a large exhibition at the Tate Modern in London following one of the most successful exhibitions at the Center Pompidou in Paris.

I was lucky indeed. That is, my trip to London coincided with the Munch exhibit!  (Which I will talk about in a separate entry).

Finally, there is a big exhibition being organised in Norway due to open up in 2013...