Monday, June 18, 2012

In Norway at 5:02 pm, in Sweden at 5:03pm...

This Friday I saw Sweden for the first time.

Because it was a car ride, I had a chance to observe far more details of the landscape than I would have been able to see had we flown there.

The crossing of the Norwegian and Swedish border is remarkable: it does not exist.  You only notice you are no longer in Norway because a Swedish carrier squeezes into your mobile phone and you start noticing a different language.  It´s that simple.

Because my passport was of no use in such "borderless" border situation, I could not help but imagining the old days, centuries ago, when travellers riding horses just went across countries without facing any passport controls and visa arrival forms. 

We stopped at a small town to get some dinner and everyone was in the pubs watching the Sweden vs England game.  We got there when Sweden scored two goals against England.  So much joy!  But by the time we left England had won 3-2...