Saturday, June 9, 2012

Discovering the neighbors...and the news about film watching!

One of the luckiest discoveries in the story unfolding in Oslo is the neighbors.

The flat belongs to a unique set of buildings that share an internal patio.  These flats are under a special arrangement that secures the buildings, patio, facilities are managed through a Board (composed of the owners of the flats).

I am meeting the neighbors little by little.  Every day a new face. Because the Spring is here I often find them sitting outside, having a coffee or wine.  I has been quite easy to just stop by and say hello.  (The only thing I regret is that once the conversation gets going they have to switch to English because of me...)

Maybe I need a "deadline", say, three months, and then it will be chats in Norwegian only!

Three of them are in charge of restoring a hall so that we can share a room for film screening.  Honey to my ears given my love for films. And that also meant to accept a new mission: to source great Latin American films we can watch together.  The project is to be ready by July. 

Here is a photo of the neighbors meeting.  I found it so sweet that they served pancakes afterwards. There will be a summer party in August.