Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Searching for (literary) inspiration

I need to re-connect with my novel.

Writing fiction requires a peculiar state of mind. And I hope the House of Literature here in Oslo will help me getting that kind of "in the zone" mood. 

I have not been able to write in the past 5 weeks and while it is understandable (the Bonn sessions and the move to Oslo), I must do something about it -- and fast. So I will go to the House of Literature in Oslo and see if I can get in the mood again...

 In London, the National Portrait Gallery used to be the place that would do the trick for me: I would go in and immediately enter the land of my inner imagination. It became my most revered location in that city.

Here is the link to this very exciting House www.litteraturhuset.no/english

The introduction to the House makes me excited: "Since the opening more than 1 million have visited the house and we organise more than 1500 public events annually." So off I go hoping to add a Tica to the honorable one million.