Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fairs everywhere!

Yesterday, Oslo decided to host concerts in every single park. 

Most of the bands were unknown. But it did not matter.   Hundreds of people from many ages were sitting on the grass having food, wine and sunbaths.   The temperatures were not that warm but the sun and the happy spirit conquered the not-that-warm temperatures...

There was a green fair in one of the parks.  It was endearing to see all these initiatives about fair trade, organic produce,  responsible consumer, and a dozen of electric cars that kids could play with.  All very civilized.

Norwegians are very easygoing and I found it easy to chit chat to random people. One of them was from the City council and explained to me they are trying to buy as much fair trade products as possible.  He gave me a flower that matched my coat!

The city is small enough to find familiar faces. Four times in one day I noticed Bjørn bumping into friends and former colleagues!

100% electric car

Oslo City for Fair Trade

Vegetarian food (a bit of rare as Norwegians seem to love meat!)

Kids playing Football...