Monday, March 3, 2014

The Tate Vitamin Kicking In

I had to go to London for work and Bjørn came along so we spent the weekend together.

Those who know me know of my passion for that city. Bjørn of course is very pacient because I initially compared Oslo against London and, hey, that was a bit unfair!  As my mother always say one should not compare cities or people.

We stayed at this uber-cool hotel CitizenM; a colourful, fun and functional place that is free from the  snobbish touches that you observe in other trendy hotels.

So we walked to the Tate Modern and the energy of that place still invigorates my mind.  I have been there countless times and each time I love even more.

Outside the museum there was a little boy dancing freely as a Roma band played happy music.  Most people stopped to watch.  We all laughed and I suspect that, deep inside, we all wanted a bit to do that free dancing style with him. 

Days later I still remember that boy.