Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Berlin Punk moment

When I was a teenager punks represented a distant world.  Who were these people?  We did not have them in Costa Rica. Or at least I never saw them in the streets.  They existed only in MTV videos and magazines.  With the years I forgot about them.  I rarely saw again not even when I lived in London, one of the punk meccas. A species in extinction?  And then out of no where this young man caught my eye in Berlin.  I stared at him in silence with the raw fascination of teenage eyes. That pink hair. Those lines in this pants. The heavy leather jacket.  And yet there something was odd about a punk moment that did not feel quite "punk". I think it is the mobile phone moment.  His posture makes him look as if were a performer that is taking a break so that he can continue the show later (the more challenging attitude that I remember like in the photo below).