Thursday, March 6, 2014

Forks hanging from the ceiling

Last night Bjørn said I needed to get out, get fresh air and have a warm dinner in a restaurant of my choice.

"Too many days inside the flat" said the husband to a pale wife who had worked at home for too many days without a break.

I got ready and off we went to a restaurant. Any restaurant. Except of course the colorful Indian place around the corner that had caught fire a few weeks ago.

And we walked for a while until we found a hidden jewel: a refurbished restaurant that smelled French and felt Norwegian with forks and spoons hanging from the ceiling. I kid you not; see for yourself:

We ate Norwegian fish that tasted fresh and, I was told, had been sustainably harvested.

We escaped upstairs to avoid dessert and discovered a bar with the friendliest face near the entrance:

And beautiful bottles at the back

And if you are reading this and have kids, you will not like their sign: The Rules of House had warned guests not to bring children to the Bar or else they, the children, would be grilled!

Once we came out from the bar, we looked down to the second floor: the ceiling looked tall and the tables peaceful.  Friends and couples were still enjoying their dinners and we left, happy, and wanting to be back.

And today I felt the difference and have worked well with fresh air inside my head.