Thursday, August 2, 2012

The power of less

Lately I feel overwhelmed by the amount of daily little things that must be done but steal hours from us that we will never, ever recover.

So I keep idealizing a life where I spend less and less time wasted ob distractions and focus more on what I find to be "the fundamentals" (which I would not call work either; to me is more about the creative act and investments in quality hours with your favorite books, stories and people). In my case writing the novel is a top priority even if sometimes I feel it is impossible to focus on it given the wave of new daily distractions from setting a new life, logistically, to learning Norwegian.

I know I will continue cutting distractions. Now I can even visualize the place that I will need to build somewhere where I can enjoy the power of less. Here it is. (Taken from a Photography magazine...)