Thursday, August 2, 2012

Back to the Basics

Nature has special powers. That is nothing new. The question is why it is becoming so difficult to 'fit' nature in our monthly lives we know it does so much good! I adore cities and prefer urban life to life in the country side. And yet I increasingly recognise that I want more 'nature' in my life. I need more regular breaks not just from cement and transactions but also from the Internet. So that is the advantage of moving to Oslo: Nature is around the corner!

We were lucky because as a special person lent us his house in the mountains (lake included!). What a difference it makes to be disconnecred from everything, from internet to cars to shops and newspapers.

I noticed that on Monday my mind felt alert, creative. Or maybe it is my imagination. And who cares? What matters is that Nature worked its magic and that I want to be out more often.