Thursday, August 2, 2012

No credit card neded: Oslo's Public Library

I learned to love libraries in my PhD years. I remember being so impressed by the army of people working as if the most important thing in life were books, research and its users.

I remember missing the library and its services for months and months after I had graduated and left the US.

Then years later I found refuge in London's museums. It was inside those walls (the National Portrait Gallery and the Tate Modern) where I recover that feeling of being 'in the zone'; in a place where you expand your imagination, a. Place that changes you by the time the close the doors and you leave the building. I love those moments.

I also love the non-monetary aspect of it. You don't shop your way into anything. No Visa or Mastercard are needed.

So, I was terribly excited to go to one of the branches of the Oslo's Public Library.

They are there for you.

Registration and card done in less than 4 minutes.

A nice smile and a sincere, non-commerical "Can I help you?"

(Hei! Kan jeg hjelpe deg?)

And I did need help! I was trying to fibd a movie from 1936: Modern Times.

And now I got an email saying they found it! So I am getting in the tram and going to get it.

Yes, taxes are high in Norway but the there social services are outstanding.

This is a photo of the Torshov brunch and another one from the big library.