Monday, August 6, 2012

Cuando calienta el sol...

When Oslo gets sunny all Oslovians get out of their homes, they go everywhere, anywhere, as long as it is outdoors and their skins feel the warmth and sunshine cover their skin.

It seems as if staying out is a crime.

I dont commit crimes so off I went.

Destination? Vigelands park. Norway's best kept secret. (Admit it: you never heard of it and you have no idea what you are missing...)

It must be one of the world's most beautiful parks not only because of its lush greenery but especially because of beauty of Gustav Vigeland's hundreds of sculptures which adorn the park.

I did not take many pictures because I focused on writing and also because my right shoulder has been hurting fiercely and I did not feel like walking too long with my backpack.

But here are some photographs to give you an idea. Vigeland made all the sculpures himself. They represent all the human expressions you can think of, from love and anger to sadness, erotic feelings and melancholia. I will write more about him when I return to this park and my arm gets better.