Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Walking on Water!

This Sunday I walked on water for the first time in my life. 

The blue liquid had frozen and invited us to walk on it.   The experience was unusual nonetheless.  For Norwegians it is normal.  But for me, it was a distinct moment of loud wonder!

Like a child discovering the sea for the first time.

The water, its movement, its sound, had turned into a wide, white, quite floor. An endless platform for pedestrians in search for silence and peace.

Just by standing there I charged my batteries for a month.

Standing on the Frozen Waves!!

The day before I had come back from Thailand, where I had been attending a conference.  As I walked on the frozen water, my body felt confused but lucky: swimming in a warm pool a few hours earier, and now walking on a frozen water a few hours later...

And I confirmed that water is, no doubt, my element.