Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Babylon in Berlin

Very few visits get me more energized than a visit to a Museum.  And this Sunday, I had the good fortune to go to the Pergamon Museum - the building on a island in Berlin in 1909-1930.

If I close my eyes and think of the greatest moment of wonder, I think of Babylon´s Ishtar Gate, from the 6th century B.C.  Yes, you are reading it right: 6th century B.C.

It was one of the city gates to Babylon (the region of modern Iraq) and ornamented in blue glazed bricks.  It is a visual delight and I could have been there for hours, just contemplating. (Sadly, we were at bit in a hurry).

The gate was named after Ishtar, the goddess of love and war.

Part of the gate is original, but some bricks were reconstructed.

A miniature helps you visualize the majestic structure...

I have never seen a more beautiful gate.