Friday, January 18, 2013

The show must go on...

Photo from the Opera House website

We went to see The Fledermouse (The Bat) at the Opera House and I loved the twists of the plot!  (Husband, wife and maid lie to each other and leave the house without telling anyone only to find themselves caught at the same party and entangled in a web of deception).

It was in Norwegian and - so thanks to the translation I could understand the story (It is dreadful when you don't understand and you see the entire audience laughing...and you half pretend you laugh with them...).

The photo below is a reminder of the carnival of imaginative, mind-boggling costumes. The clothes stole the show. Or perhaps my viewing of the show. Once I catch something visual - vivid colors, beautiful shapes, or lights -  my ears stop functioning.

Then the surprise.

Right in the middle of the play all lights of the Opera house went on. I thought that was part of the show, how fun!  But is was not part of the show:  the fire alarm had been activated and we had to fetch the coats, cover ourselves and go out.

After twenty minutes, we were asked to go back to our seats. Coats off again and up we went.  The Opera continued as if nothing had happend.  Nada. A graceful,  reminder that it should not be the end of the world if things don't go according to plan.
The show must always go on.

This is the view outside the Opera while we waited for the non-existing fire to be extinguished