Thursday, January 3, 2013

The magic of a silver, sunless day

Today Oslo felt as if the Sun had decided to not show up for work...

And yet the city looked strong, spotless. White everywhere. The streets, the park, the port, everything. I felt sweet as if I were inside a maze, or a cake, showered in powder sugar. My favorite object? The tall trees who stand so perfectly naked, bearing the winter in silence and adding grace to the scenery - at least if one pays close attention - because of how they let the snow stay in their black branches.

I never saw the city so foggy. The weather must be tough on those who curse the winter. But I have never been in that category (And wouldn´t it be silly to be living in Norway and decide to dislike winters?).

It was a perfect day for making photographs outdoors and for a museum visit. So I went with my mother to the new Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art. Here are some photographs from the inside. There were so scandalous and at times disturbing pieces of art. I need to understand that visual language better. But that is another topic...