Thursday, November 1, 2012

Oslo art scene is making noise...

Here is a link to an interesting article in the International Herald Tribute (IHT) about Oslo´s art scene and how it is making new waves.  

"Contemporary art in Oslo is thriving. Norway’s economy is booming — its rich North Sea oil reserves have helped isolate it from the global recession — and several of its largest companies have been investing in contemporary art collections. Some are focused mainly on Norwegian contemporary art while others also are buying up some of the big names on the international art scene."

Here is a photograph of the new museum taken from the article.  

As I mentioned in previous entries the museum is breathtaking. It was a product of Renzo Piano's imagination and was financed privately.  

This was built inside an increasingly fancy area of Oslo. Fortunately, the authorities had some regulation which declares that in order to get the concession in that particular part of town some percentage of the area must be open to the public (a great way of avoiding the 'luxury enclaves' you see in other cities where scare normal citizens away...)

So this museum is located right in the part part of town which in many other cities would only be areas for ultra expensive restaurants, shops and flats...