Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Freedom of Press

The world rankings of the Freedom of the Press are out for 2013.

The top three countries are Finland, Netherlands and Norway.

And happy to report that in Latin America - where there is inmense room for improvement - my country, Costa Rica has the highest score!  Well done ticos!  We are number 18 in the world (higher than Canada and US and ahead of some several EU countries including the UK and France). If you zoom in this map, you will see a white dot in the Americas, right in the middle (White color means: good situation).

And when we do have freedom of press, do we take it for granted?

This Index by "Reporters without Borders" is a sobering reminder that outrageous things are happening to brave journalists and "netizens" around the world (e.g political bloggers). 

For people working on climate issues, like me, this index poses the heavy, almost asfixiting question: Can countries where change is imperative ever have an honest national debate on climate matters when these countries lack freedom of press?

In the meantime, let´s celebrate each time we are able to read a newspaper of our choosing by journalists and thinkers who are speaking their minds!