The strangest things - and this never happened to me before - is to live a life in a language that I don't understand. So as you can tell from this photograph, if you look at the left side, I have now started to learn some basic Norwegian.
(Norwegians are the most enthusiastic people when as far as their flags are concerned. It's quite interesting you see their flags in some Christmas cakes, clothes and backpacks).
I sat and did my first lesson of Norwegian and I had to take a nap afterwards.
Funny they have not just the usual five vowels, a e i o u, but also æ, å, and ø! So I had fun trying to pretend that I can pronounce these last three.
I also listening to the radio during breakfast and while I understand some universally recognizable words like "stasjon" or "universitet" which must be "station" and "university", the rest was a mystery to me.
For now, the intonation feels both exotic and inimitable.