Monday, October 29, 2012

Snow in October!

This is the first time in my life I see snow during the autumn!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Women in corporate boards...

Look at this graph.

It shows that Norway has managed to push for female participation in the boards. It was controversial to have a law that formalized a +40% quota for women.

Now similar debates are happening in Europe. Will they learn from Norway?

Why not?

A look at their rates of women's participation in European boards suggest that they could learn a thing or two from the Norwegians!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Some visual souvenirs from Bali

It was my first time in Indonesia.  And therefore I was very curious.

We spent most of the time inside a hotel during the meetings.  We went on a field trip on Saturday and got to see some of the markets, rice plantations and some mangroves.  On Sunday, I had time to be in front of sea.  The wind was spectacular and recharged me quickly and throughly.  

My toes were buried in the sand and I made some important decisions.  I love those moments of truth when the sea is in front and forces you into a crystal-clear state of mind.

The Budha who was witnessing my happy moment blinked at me. I am certain he did. He had closed his eyes by the time I press the camera's shutter!

Green Wants to Be Yellow

The park behind the Palace
An interior little garden
A new companion?

I am back from Indonesia.

When I left Oslo the trees where green. That was then. Now they insist in turning yellow and this transformation really tickles my eyes. I must look like a weirdo because I stop and stare at the almost yellow tree I see.  Like a child staring at something magical.

The autum has a philosophical feeling to it.  I do think of our lives, how we go from summer to autum at some point. How we change our colors throughout our life.
Doesn't the seasonal change make you think of ageing? Of the life cycles? I think it is a futile exercise to try to define what seasons or the ages are better than the others.  Some would argue - with passion! - that summer is better than winter or that being young is better than turning old.  But that is not an objective truth.  It is social programming.  Why can´t the reverse be true?

I notice the mornings are getting darker.  This morning I woke up at 7:20am and it looked like 4am. But I am not worried. In fact, I convincing myself that the winter mornings will do wonders for my reading and writing.

It is getting colder too.  2 degrees at night already in October!

This morning Bjørn set a fire in the kitchen so I stayed at the kitchen-table for hours, working away. 
The whispering noises from the fire place were so soothing that, perhaps, this season I should continue writing in the kitchen.
That sounds cozy.

Or koselig...  How they say it Norwegian.

(And no, if you are wondering, I have not been able to study any Norwegian since September. I have been to five countries since September!)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I have been away for work

I have been traveling for work. Crazy weeks. But apart from the awful hours inside planes, the work is interesting and especially the individuals I have met along the way. There are so many good people working on great things.

So I am attaching some photos fron Cape Town in South Africa and soon I will post some from Indonesia, where I am currently attending a meeting.